

《并列-中国艺术家在柏林》(1997,柏林艺术大学),《天轴-柏林国际艺术展》(1997,柏林Prisma Haus), 《e时代水墨元素柏林国际邀请展》(2002,柏林德国新闻局)。 参与组织《长征-红星穿越欧洲》(2002柏林,卡塞尔,巴黎),柏林艺术大学在中国美术学院的夏季学院(2002/3)中国美术学院与柏林艺术大学合作项目中德研究生院(2006,杭州),《杭州西湖文化广场艺术项目》(2004-2007,杭州),《浙江台州城市雕塑总体规划》(2007,台州),《中国美术学院雕塑系作品展》(2007,上海),《杭州第三届西湖国际雕塑邀请展》(2008,杭州),《第五空间-纤维与空间艺术》(2009,深圳何香凝美术馆,上海现代艺术馆),首届杭州纤维艺术三年展2013(浙江美术馆,中国丝绸博物馆)等




1965 Born in Harbin, China.workes and lives in Hangzhou and Berlin. . member of German Artists Association, Member of the Council of Kunst und Sinn e. V. Berlin . professor in the Fiber Art department of the School of Sculpture and Public art and vice Dean in School of Administration and Education in China Academy of Arts. From 1986 to 2002, he studied and graduated from Oil Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Arts, Art School of Kassel University, and Graduate School of Berlin Art university majored in Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies


Shan Zeng’s art works have his own unique style. He has had outstanding achievements in his research studies of Chinese and Western art theories and in organizing international arts exchange programs. His works have been internationally awarded and recognized and collected by government agencies and collectors. 


His studies in space thinking and his ideology can be traced back to I-Ging, i.e. The Laws of Changes, which is the most famous book about rules and laws in Chinese classic culture. From his works which embody and reflect the changes between shapes and visions, lights and colors, codes and images, laws and reasons, i.e. the changes between the heaven and the earth, we can sense the special flavor of oriental classic cultures as well as his reflective thoughts over his more than ten years of exploring arts as an alien in Germany.