宗旨:中国美术学院纺织服装研究院成立于2007年,是在与杭州政府进行战略合作联盟的进程中、在城市品牌发展过程中诞生的,是一个在全球境遇下关注民族产业发展、设计人才、设计教育及设计研究的平台,充分发挥中国美院在人文历史、学科布局、国际资源、师资团队、教育教学等方面的优势,立志成为全球纺织服装资源的共享平台、全球纺织服装博士后流动站、设计师的交流平台、“中国丝绸与女装流行趋势”的研究平台、国家及省市产学研项目的研究平台, 构建强大的国际师资团队, 为本土纺织服装行业、企业品牌、核心价值人才培养等进行全方位的服务。
Objectives:Fashion & Textile Research Centre(FTRC) of CAA was founded in 2007,which was born in the process of the strategic cooperation with Hangzhou Municipal Government and the developing of urban brand.As a platform focusing on the development of the national industry,design professionals,design education and research,FTRC will fully use the advantage of CAA on the area of humanities and history,disciplines distribution,international resources,teaching resources to become the sharing platform for global fashion and textile resources,global post-doctoral research station for the fashion and textile,communication platform for designers,research platform for Chinese silk and women fashion trends,research platform for the national,provincial and municipal projects on industry,study and research,to build a strong international team of teachers to carry out a full range of services for the local fashion and textile industry,corporate brand,personnel training with core values.
Director:Wu Haiyan.