



作者:中国国际设计博物馆公教部   编辑:叶菲   来源:中国国际设计博物馆    阅读:    发表时间:2023-04-30

作者:中国国际设计博物馆公教部   编辑:叶菲   来源:中国国际设计博物馆    发表时间:2023-04-30


Exhibition: ZUO·SEAT·SIT——An Exhibition about Nordic Furniture Design


Duration: April 30, 2023- June 20, 2023

展览地点: 中国美术学院中国国际设计博物馆7/8/9号展厅

Exhibition Location: No.7/8/9 Hall, the China Design Museum of CAA (China Academy of Art)

主办单位/ 中国美术学院中国国际设计博物馆

Organizer / China Design Museum of CAA

总策划/ 杭  间  

Chief Director / Hang Jian

策展人/ 胡  佳

Curator / Hu Jia

学术支持/ 周浩明  方  海  易  晓

Academic Adviser / Zhou Haoming, Fang Hai, Yi Xiao



With its philosophy of creating wonderful and practical everyday objects, the Northern Europe design shows the key points of the development of modernism and functionalism in the early 20th century, and its furniture design is a well-proven classic. The exhibition brings together around 150 classic seating pieces and video works from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway to showcase the rationality and romance of the Northern Europe design. The exhibition is divided into five sections, using "seating" to describe its "attitude", bringing together the "humanisation", "regionalism" and "naturalism" interwoven in Northern Europe design, inviting the visitors to imagine the infinite possibilities of a better life.